“Singing in the Rain” – Day 4, Crianlarich to Bridge of Orchy

Yes, the thankfully quite short walk of day 4 of the West Highland Way (just over 10 miles) was wet, wet, wet! But I was singing in the rain cos a) that’s what I do and b) the scenery was still outstandingly beautiful. I passed by St. Fillan’s Priory – or rather the pile of rocks that was once St. Fillan’s Priory.  At Tyndrum I met my support team (Noelene with the car!) and sat down in a warm and dry cafe for a short mid-morning coffee break and shelter.  But I soon headed for the old Military Road which made the going relatively easy, despite the “dampness” under foot.

The Old Military Road “goes past” Beinn Odhar, a rather impressive Corbett (Scottish mountains between 2,500 and 3,000 ft). It’s said to be “a graceful cone with fine views”, though not on a day like it was when I walked past!  Soon I reached the Bridge of Orchy Hotel – time to have a drink, a bit of a rest, clean and dry the boots out for the following day’s walk.